internal, library: Use debootstrap instead of qemu-debootstrap
Closes: #197 (closed).
With binfmt "fix binary" mode, it is no longer needed to copy qemu-*-static binaries in the chroot environment for debootstrap to work.
Qemu's Debian package has deprecated the use of qemu-debootstrap and encourages using debootstrap directly.
Currently, qemu-debootstrap is just an empty wrapper over debootstrap[1].
See Debian bugs: #901197, #991532.
Ran unit tests.
Successfully built the following targets: arm64, armhf, amd64, a20-olinuxino-lime2.
Ensure that qemu-*-static files are not present in /usr/bin/ of the build image: arm64, armhf.
Signed-off-by: Sunil Mohan Adapa