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RFC: Use flask-kernel instead of custom scripts

Sunil Mohan Adapa requested to merge SunilMohanAdapa:flask-kernel into master

Created by: SunilMohanAdapa

This patch is not ready for merge yet. It has not been tested well.

The idea is to use flash-kernel instead of custom scripts. Whatever, was the state of flash-kernel, it seems okay now for being able to handle operations from inside chroot. I have built a beagebone image with this patch and the output image contains /boot partition similar to how flash-kernel performs after a dist-upgrade happens in an image built by the earlier mechanism. This gives me confidence that this new image should just fine on a BeagleBone.

I will build Cubietruck image and test it as representative of A20 processor based boards. I would appreciate it if someone can test BeagleBone Black and Dreamplug images with this patch.

Merge request reports
