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  • Sunil Mohan Adapa's avatar
    *: Introduce make file based build, eliminate · 812ed5d6
    Sunil Mohan Adapa authored and James Valleroy's avatar James Valleroy committed
    - setuptools aims to a build library instead of being invoked by
    Launching setup tools using ./ is deprecated. Launching it using
    generic build tools that use pyproject.toml is recommended.
    - With the new approach customizing the build is not possible to the earlier
    extent. So, introduce is a simple and sufficient build system using 'make'.
    - Check the pyproject.toml using validate-pyproject tool.
    - Run diffoscope on old and new packages and verify that no unexpected changes
    were introduced by the build system change.
    - None of the files part of .deb package have different file permissions
    compared to before.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarSunil Mohan Adapa <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJames Valleroy <>