version comparison and firewall upgrade
- version: Compare Debian package version numbers
- Provides a Version class wrapper around apt_pkg.version_compare.
- Replaces distutils.version which is deprecated.
- Closes: #2261 (closed).
- Tests: Install ejabberd.
- firewall: Allow upgrade from any version to 1.2.*
- Closes: #2253 (closed)
- Tests:
- Build a package with this fix included for bullseye-backports distribution.
- Install into FreedomBox stable system.
- Start dist-upgrade test.
- At the end of the test, wait for plinth to attempt upgrades, and then confirm that firewalld was upgraded.
- Confirm that firewalld is running.
- Confirm that /etc/firewalld/firewalld.conf has DefaultZone=external.
Signed-off-by: James Valleroy