names: Show systemd-resolved status in the names page
This MR depends on !2508 (closed). So that one should be merged first. This one only has a single patch.
This improves the user experience in many ways:
Help user understand if DNSSEC is being used on the current DNS server in case 'allow-fallback' is supported.
Nudges the user to explore enabling DNS-over-TLS and DNSSEC.
Help user understand how global vs. link specific configuration works. Help user understand if a global DNS is being used.
Show the list of fallback DNS servers being used (as this poses privacy concerns).
Also helps with debugging in problematic situations:
- Find out which DNS server is being used (and leading to problems) and show the cycling mechanism.
Enable/disable fallback DNS server in privacy app. See that fallback servers line is only shown when enabled.
Set various global values of DNS-over-TLS and DNSSEC and see the status changes.
Set various values of DNS-over-TLS in the network connection settings and see the changes in status.
Set DNSSEC to allow-fallback. Perform a query and see that the value of supported/unsupported changes.
Set DNS servers with special configuration file in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/test.conf and restart systemd-resolved. See change in status page. Notice that if connection specific DNS server is set to an invalid server, global section has a current DNS server.
Set SNI domain name and port for the an IPv4 DNS and an IPv6 DNS. See that the display is as expected.
Raise an exception in get_status() and notice that an error alert is show properly.
Signed-off-by: default avatarSunil Mohan Adapa