- Dec 02, 2024
Alexandre Detiste authored
Alexandre Detiste authored
Alexandre Detiste authored
- Sep 19, 2023
Bastian Germann authored
- Apr 10, 2020
Reiner Herrmann authored
- Oct 03, 2019
Boyuan Yang authored
Boyuan Yang authored
Boyuan Yang authored
Boyuan Yang authored
Boyuan Yang authored
freealut (1.1.0-5) unstable; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Drop Multi-Arch: same from libalut-dev. (Closes: #760202) freealut (1.1.0-4) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload. [ Evgeni Golov ] * Correct Vcs-* URLs to point to anonscm.debian.org [ Logan Rosen ] * Use dh-autoreconf instead of autotools-dev to also fix FTBFS on ppc64el by getting new libtool macros (still updates config.{sub,guess}). (Closes: #733473) [ Vincent Cheng ] * Drop debian/patches/100_rebootstrap.diff. * Drop deprecated DMUA field in d/control. * Remove usage of deprecated findutils syntax. (Closes: #711706, #724771) * Multiarch-ify package. (Closes: #691943) * Update Standards version to 3.9.5. freealut (1.1.0-3) unstable; urgency=low [ Peter Pentchev ] * Andres Mejia fixed the watch file back in 2009. Closes: #551410 * Remove Thierry Reding from Uploaders. Closes: #572543 * Convert to the 3.0 (quilt) source format. * Update the control file: - drop the redundant "libs" section on the libalut0 package - add misc:Depends to the binary packages - no need to depend on a x.x.x-1 revision * Add DEP 3 headers to all the patches. * Bump the debhelper compatibility version to 8 and minimize the rules file using override rules. * Remove some cruft from the rules file. * Use dpkg-buildflags from dpkg-dev 1.15.7 to obtain the default CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS. * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.1 with no further changes. * Convert the copyright file to rev. 165 of the DEP 5 candidate format and add my copyright notice. * Add a symbols file for libalut0. * Add myself to Uploaders. * Use dh --with autotools_dev to update config.sub and config.guess. [ Ansgar Burchardt ] * debian/control: Add DM-Upload-Allowed: yes. freealut (1.1.0-2) unstable; urgency=low [ Eddy Petrișor ] * removed myself from the Uploaders list [ Jon Dowland ] * add Homepage: control field to source stanza [ Eddy Petrișor ] * add missing Vcs-Svn headers [ Ansgar Burchardt ] * Remove Homepage semi-field from description [ Reinhard Tartler ] * No longer provide /usr/lib/libalut.la. It's not needed since dependent packages can use the provided freealut.pc file with pkg-config freealut (1.1.0-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Reinhard Tartler ] * New upstream release, featuring: (Closes: #378974) + Added some fragile logic to find the right path to the OpenAL headers. + Bumped the package version to 1.1.0 and the library version to 1:0:1 (i.e. a backwards compatible version, only with new features). + Conforms to the ALUT specification 1.1.0 now (added two memory loaders). * Updated shlibs file * install freealut-config in libalut-dev * Bumped Standards Version to 3.7.2 (no changes needed) [ Stefan Potyra ] * Add dependency for libopenal-dev against libalut-dev. [ Eddy Petrișor ] * debian/patches/001_freebsd_pthread.diff: + small tweak to configure.ac to remove FTBFS on GNU/kFreeBSD, thanks to Petr Salinger <Petr.Salinger@seznam.cz> for the patch (Closes: #400717) Severity is not meduim since the arch is not released. * ran autoupdate * added libtool as a dependency so the package builds properly * added myself to uploaders * drop usage of ${source-Version} in favour of new ${binary:Version} * added build dependency on dpkg (>= 1.13.19) [ Sam Hocevar ] * Switch packaging to use quilt. * debian/control: + Drop autotools-dev and libtool build-dependencies. * debian/freealut-config.1: + Add a manpage for freealut-config. * debian/patches/000_configure.diff: + Import previous changes to configure.ac. * debian/patches/001_am_maintainer_mode.diff: + Disable maintainer mode to avoid clock skews during builds. * debian/patches/100_rebootstrap.diff: + Rebootstrap package. freealut (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low [ Thierry Reding ] * Initial release. (Closes: #353263) [ Reinhard Tartler ] * Add versioned build depends to libopenal-dev (>= 1:0.0.8-1) to ensure that it gets build with the right openal version. We want only one transition * polish debian/copyright
Boyuan Yang authored