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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v83
    0b0808ba · Prepare v83 ·
    game-data-packager v83
      * Internal changes:
        - Build binary-compatibility shims for older binary-only games
          as part of this source package (the lokishim/ directory),
          instead of building them when affected game data is packaged.
          This makes it easier to detect and fix bugs in the shim code,
          for example when it fails to compile with an updated compiler.
          [Sébastien Noel]
        - lokishim: Silence compiler warnings for unused arguments [smcv]
        - build: Only require a C compiler when actually building shims [smcv]
        - doc/adding_a_game.mdwn: Describe how developers can build for i386
          on Debian amd64 without always needing to go through the packaging
          workflow [smcv]
      * Debian packaging:
        - d/control: Add a game-data-packager-libs binary package for the
          binary-compatibility shims. This is currently i386-only, but is
          structured so that it could become Multi-Arch: same if we find
          that similar binary-compatibility shims are required for amd64
          games in future. [Sébastien Noel]
        - d/ Update [smcv]
        - d/control: Fix a typo detected by Lintian [smcv]
        - d/g-d-p.lintian-overrides: Silence a Lintian false positive [smcv]
        - Release to experimental for NEW processing [smcv]
    Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: e0747c325a05ac11b54388a81d8348af077691bdb0dc27da08953d71c824afe3d1846a10bba22cdc48b2a2a475d8ad5ae9841bc676131acb60f7710998d44f53
  • debian/83
    0b0808ba · Prepare v83 ·
    game-data-packager Debian release 83
  • v82
    6ecb8072 · Prepare v82 ·
    game-data-packager v82
      * New versions:
        - hexen2: add music packages (CD & rip) [Sébastien Noel]
        - icewind-dale-1: add French version [Sébastien Noel]
        - unreal: Add authorized ISO images from the Internet Archive.
          These make our Unreal Classic and Unreal Gold packages fully
          free-to-download (but redistribution is still not allowed). [smcv]
        - ut99: Add details of authorized UT:GOTY ISO image from the
          Internet Archive. Unfortunately we can't currently build packages
          from this, because the maps use proprietary compression. [smcv]
      * Bug fixes:
        - civctp, kohan, smac: Make lokishim compile successfully with
          gcc 14 [Sébastien Noel]
        - hexen2: use latest game-data (1.29b) from the uHexen2 project,
          earlier versions are gone [Sébastien Noel] (Closes: #1090800)
        - railroad-tycoon2: fix checksum for a file from an undamaged
          original cd [Sébastien Noel]
        - unreal: Fix building packages without the Return to Na Pali addon
        - unreal: Deduplicate Textures/MenuGr.utx into unreal-data [smcv]
      * Debian packaging:
        - d/control: update list of supported games [Sébastien Noel]
    Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: 8aa581e07ba0de280c45b0eac9f8443582e1418f82408d8b72b0802144ba988368440faa81431e4354989e0febd78104944ae424fab8bca4c1c19ebf520e9198
  • debian/82
    6ecb8072 · Prepare v82 ·
    game-data-packager release 82 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • v81
    c69a7b95 · Prepare v81 ·
    game-data-packager v81
      * New games:
        - Postal [Sébastien Noel]
        - Prey (2006) [Sébastien Noel]
        - The Settlers II [adetiste]
        - Thimbleweed Park [Sébastien Noel]
      * Bug fixes:
        - packaging.deb: Systematic support for all dpkg architectures [smcv]
        - civctp: fix Categories and Keywords in desktop file [Sébastien Noel]
      * Launcher:
        - add support for the MOHAA dedicated server [Sébastien Noel]
        - add support for RBDOOM-3-BFG [Sébastien Noel]
      * Debian packaging:
        - d/salsa-ci.yml:
          + Update to the salsa-ci-team's current recommendation [smcv]
          + Disable piuparts, not reliable for contrib packages [Sébastien Noel]
    Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: 969ccb5995f1df20a6f19a7105345e1d3b85abf1d5a227d33c46a9908e6d02a01d38e4056f5cab2d193b552fbeeb4d2fc1b8fd2347d340e6d15321e79e9ae918
  • debian/81
    c69a7b95 · Prepare v81 ·
    game-data-packager release 81 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • v80
    a90dd868 · Prepare v80 ·
    game-data-packager v80
      * New games:
        - Medal of Honor: Allied Assault [Sébastien Noel]
      * New expansions:
        - Doom 1: SIGIL II, a new episode by Romero [Sébastien Noel]
      * New versions:
        - ut2004: Add another variant of Manual.pdf [smcv]
      * Bug fixes:
        - launcher: Don't reorder arguments [Sébastien Noel]
        - Doom 1: merge data and music for Sigil 1 packages [Sébastien Noel]
        - descent3: drop old binary-only Loki port, the engine is now free
          under GPL-3+ [Sébastien Noel]
        - quake3: Automatically unpack Team Arena patches from patch tarball,
          fixing a regression in v77 [smcv]
      * Debian packaging:
        - Standards-Version: 4.7.0 (no changes required) [smcv]
    Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: 6e501b44856706814fc2378ae17e50a4622fe460ec97e362dfff2c0c41eeff246dce3d8c2dbb82e83534a8a5bf52e01e8bf4d79c7d224ad0f164cb198af37a2f
  • debian/80
    a90dd868 · Prepare v80 ·
    game-data-packager release 80 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • v79
    6bb34a0c · Prepare v79 ·
    game-data-packager v79
      * New games:
        - Heavy Gear II (i386 binary-only) [Sébastien Noel]
        - Homeworld [Sébastien Noel]
        - SimCity 3000 (i386 binary-only) [Sébastien Noel]
      * New versions:
        - Heroes of Might and Magic 3: Handle latest GOG releases
          [Sébastien Noel]
      * Bug fixes:
        - Commander Keen series: Include original executables [Sébastien Noel]
        - Morrowind: Install Morrowind.esm correctly [Plasma (David Paul)]
          (Closes: #1073972)
        - Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Update to iortcw 1.51c, cleaning up
          dead download links in the process [Dmitry Baryshkov]
        - Unreal: Clean up dead download links [smcv]
        - Unreal: Account for variation between GOG and Steam [smcv]
      * Debian packaging:
        - Remove /etc/game-data-packager/oldunreal-mirrors on upgrade,
          no longer useful [smcv]
      * Internal changes:
        - Fix various mypy warnings [smcv]
    Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: bd8b884cb2b2ba58c3d007895e4bf1ffe3a3ba1081f44706078e16a00bba71f5e4878136a6a89ae8b00bd98cb410dd6fde0977b9d589d80afaec737bbf5ba694
  • archive/debian/79
    6bb34a0c · Prepare v79 ·
    game-data-packager release 79 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • debian/79
    6bb34a0c · Prepare v79 ·
    game-data-packager release 79 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • v78
    6ac8b77c · Prepare v78 ·
    game-data-packager v78
      * New games:
        - Rune (i386 binary-only) [Sébastien Noel]
        - Soldier of Fortune (i386 binary-only) [Sébastien Noel]
      * New versions:
        - Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Handle FLAC music archive provided
          by GOG, fix incorrect video filenames in Windows version, and
          ignore unneeded OGG music tracks [Anatoliy Gunya]
      * Bug fixes:
        - Heretic, Hexen: Improve extraction of icons [fabian]
        - On .deb-based systems, allow to be provided by
          either libsmpeg0t64 (Debian 13, Ubuntu 24.04) or libsmpeg0
          (Debian 12, Ubuntu 22.04) [smcv]
        - Steam integration: Find Steam username for steamcmd in the
          location used by steam-installer [adetiste]
        - Fix spelling [adetiste]
      * Debian packaging:
        - Switch quake4 dependency from libasound2 to libasound2t64
          (Closes: #1070016) [smcv]
    Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: ffafb4ce884dbd01cd8d3df3e3abcad44f3666c4482a93eaa4cda00e8c9c7b3a9e1cbebc97855d9633ef7cd901011834a8302116b55f83468f9e0f0a1f4ba1ca
  • archive/debian/78
    6ac8b77c · Prepare v78 ·
    game-data-packager release 78 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • debian/78
    6ac8b77c · Prepare v78 ·
    game-data-packager release 78 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • v77
    d13d206a · Release v77 ·
    game-data-packager v77
      * New features:
        - extract the bundled icon from GOG games [Sébastien Noel]
          (Closes: #1051856)
        - optionally download an icon from the scummvm-icons repository
          for ScummVM games [Sébastien Noel]
        - use configurable mirrors for old Loki games [Sébastien Noel]
      * New games:
        - Alex4: this game was first thought to be GPL licensed and wholly
          packaged as such in Debian; but in fact it's only the engine part,
          and the data is merely "freeware" (see #1035043) [adetiste]
        - Civilization: Call to Power [Sébastien Noel]
        - Detective Gallo [Dennis Menschel]
        - Descent 3 [Sébastien Noel]
        - Flashback [adetiste]
        - Heretic 2 [Sébastien Noel]
        - Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns [Sébastien Noel]
        - Pushover [adetiste]
        - Railroad Tycoon 2 [Sébastien Noel]
        - Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (and 1) [Mathias Gibbens]
        - Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri [Sébastien Noel]
        - Tomb Raider 1 [adetiste]
        - Unreal Tournament 2004 [Sébastien Noel]
      * New versions:
        - Dark Forces: add French version [Sébastien Noel]
        - Doom3: add 'Classic Doom' & 'The Lost Mission' expansions
          [Sébastien Noel]
        - Freespace 2: add support for the "fsport" mod, notably the ability
          to play Freespace 1 missions [Sébastien Noel]
        - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis,
          Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:
          add support for latest GOG releases [Mathias Gibbens]
        - Jazz Jackrabbit: add support for new archive [fabian]
        - Loom: add support for CD version [Sébastien Noel]
        - Quake2: add support for "Zaero" mission pack (Closes: #800503)
          [Sébastien Noel]
        - Return To Zork: add support for CD version [Sébastien Noel]
        - Unreal Tournament (1999): update to version 469d [Sébastien Noel]
        - The Secret of Monkey Island, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:
          add English EGA floppy version [Mathias Gibbens]
      * Bug fixes:
        - fix TypeError when gdp prints warnings [Anatoliy Gunya]
        - fix html docs file names in quake2-groundzero-data [Anatoliy Gunya]
        - fix Readme.html path in Quake 3 documentation [Anatoliy Gunya]
        - fix broken symlinks in quake3-team-arena-data [Anatoliy Gunya]
        - ScummVM games: fix many game IDs [Sébastien Noel, adetiste]
          (Closes: #1059449)
        - ScummVM games: remove versioned dependencies on ancient ScummVM 1.x
        - fix unbuildable "Little Big Adventure" package [Sébastien Noel]
        - ScummVM games and Doom 3: move desktop files for mods from the
          plugin to gdp-runtime, so that bugs in the .desktop files can
          be fixed without rebuilding the non-distributable packages
          [Sébastien Noel]
        - Heretic, Hexen, Strife: fix invalid Breaks in packages generated with
          v76 [Sébastien Noel]
        - Hexen: extract a better icon [smcv]
        - correct data_type for various packages that contain
          executables [Sébastien Noel]
      * Debian packaging:
        - add a Doom mini-policy [Sébastien Noel]
        - transition from p7zip-full to 7zip (Closes: #1063580) [adetiste]
        - Replace Suggests: steam with steam-installer|steam-launcher [smcv]
      * Internal changes:
        - d/rules: trim using new execute_after_* syntax [adetiste]
        - add more type annotations to Python code [adetiste]
        - add an optional minimal pre-commit hook [adetiste]
        - gdp_launcher_base: use os.EX_* instead of magic numbers [adetiste]
        - doom_common: remove prboom-plus on Debian and add crispy-doom
          as alternative engine on some expansions. [Sébastien Noel]
        - add support for symlinks with offset to CD ripping code
          [Sébastien Noel]
        - increase a test timeout [adetiste]
        - gdp.version: Get the version number from if possible [smcv]
        - tests: Assert version is consistent in and debian/ [smcv]
    Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: 88395e9c8e6408e0320a3471f7a1cafe669ec44c4668488367509a76847558223b1de86b8541fa1633291826c6b8d49187b5a7a2bcfa697d84110508e1da86e8
  • archive/debian/77
    d13d206a · Release v77 ·
    game-data-packager release 77 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • debian/77
    d13d206a · Release v77 ·
    game-data-packager release 77 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • v76
    dbc20776 · Release v76 ·
    game-data-packager v76
      * New games:
        - Aliens Versus Predator [Sébastien Noel]
        - Caesar III (Closes: #806989) [Vincent Pelletier, Sébastien Noel]
        - Ion Fury (Closes: #1040059) [Konstantin Korshunov]
        - Redneck Rampage (Closes: #787236) [adetiste]
        - Shadow Warrior [Sébastien Noel]
        - Star Wars: Dark Forces [Sébastien Noel]
      * New versions:
        - Atlantis: add an alternative French version [Sébastien Noel]
        - Duke Nukem 1: add registered episodes 2 and 3 [adetiste]
        - Freespace 2: Add support for latest GOG release, and also allow build
          from the old 3 CD set [Sébastien Noel]
        - Sam and Max: Add de, es, fr, it translations [Vincent Pelletier]
        - Shivah: support both "Classic" and "Kosher" editions
          [Vincent Pelletier]
        - A Golden Wake, Blackwell series, Broken Sword 2, Gemini Rue,
          Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis,
          Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Myst, Myst 3, Primordia,
          Resonance, Riven, Sam and Max, The Longest Journey,
          Wolfenstein 3D, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory:
          Add support for latest GOG releases
          (Closes: #1045356) [Vincent Pelletier]
      * Bug fixes:
        - Broken Sword 1: Fix compatibility with scummvm >= 2.7.0
          [Vincent Pelletier]
        - Broken Sword 1: Do not create launchers for music packages
          [Vincent Pelletier]
        - Compet-N Doom: adjust for new DSDA download locations [fabian]
        - Compet-N Doom: Do not prepend "Doom: Compet-N" in desktop files
          for better usability (Closes: #1049997) [adetiste]
        - Doom-based games: fix compatibility with python3-pil 10.0
          [Sébastien Noel]
        - check_gog: Skip games with no installer, without error
          [Vincent Pelletier]
        - tests: Extend timeout for download_shareware test [smcv]
      * Internal changes:
        - The Dig: Tag as being available from GOG [Vincent Pelletier]
        - tools/ Add support for "section: doc" packages
          [Vincent Pelletier]
        - make_template: Always use ffmpeg, removing avconv alternative
        - Doom 2 Master Levels: replace deprecated Gtk.TreeView by Gtk.ColumnView
          (Closes: #1043600), silence a warning with Gtk 4.12 [Sébastien Noel]
        - Add type annotations to Python code [adetiste, smcv]
        - Reformat the code in PEP8 style [smcv]
        - build: Remove compatibility with old versions of meson [smcv]
        - tests: Add a lint check that runs pycodestyle [smcv]
        - debian: Don't build-depend on pyflakes [smcv]
    Git-EVTag-v0-SHA512: aede1ab79c7e936e8d5419b9546c2494916438684ff991ccf4e3c94decd7359b3cd34c71ab4f7e98bbfba85d6d958e94a3df092e95138c388166a195ac932b13
  • archive/debian/76
    dbc20776 · Release v76 ·
    game-data-packager release 76 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]
  • debian/76
    dbc20776 · Release v76 ·
    game-data-packager release 76 for unstable (sid) [dgit]
    [dgit distro=debian no-split]