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The easy to use universal code/text generator

easygen is to json what xslt is to xml, but much more powerful and versatile.

easygen has been such a great help to us, making so many mundane tasks easier (and fun) to do.


easygen - Easy to use universal code/text generator

Command easygen is an easy to use universal code/text generator.

It can be used as a text or html generator for arbitrary purposes with arbitrary data and templates. It is a good GSL replacement, as it

  • is more easy to define driving data, in form of YML instead of XML
  • has more powerful template engine that based on Go template. You can also write your own function in Go to customize your template.
  • there are lots of transformation support functions builtin inside it, check out the full list with sample usages and results here.
  • apart from the above sample usages, it has extensive documentations like this. Check out the wiki for the full list.

You can even use easygen as a generic Go template testing tool using the -ts commandline option, and much more.

Note this document is for easygen versions 4.0+. For historic versions check out the Different Versions section.


$ easygen

easygen version 5.3.0

 easygen [flags] template_name [data_filename [data_filename...]]


  -debug level
    	debugging level
  -ej extension
    	extension of json file (default ".json")
  -et extension
    	extension of template file (default ".tmpl")
  -ey extension
    	extension of yaml file (default ".yaml")
  -ts string
    	template string (in text)

template_name: The name for the template file.
 - Can have the extension (specified by -et) or without it.
 - Can include the path as well.
 - Can be a comma-separated list giving many template files, in which case
   at least one data_filename must be given.

data_filename(s): The name for the .yaml or .json data.
 - If omitted derive from the template_name.
 - Can have the extension or without it. If withot extension,
   will try the .yaml file first then .json
 - Can include the path as well.
 - Can have more than one data files given on cli, separated by spaces,
   in which case multiple outputs will be produced based on the inputs.
 - Can be a comma-separated list giving many data files, in which case
   data will be merged together as if provided from a single file.
 - If there is a single data_filename, and it is "-",
   then read the data (.yaml or .json format) from stdin.

Flag defaults can be overridden by corresponding environment variable, e.g.:
  EASYGEN_EY=.yml EASYGEN_ET=.tpl easygen ...


It can be used as a code generator, for example, command line parameter handling code generator, or anything that is structurally repetitive, like the following:

Ready to get started? Then check out Getting Started to start building your way to turn your data into any form, any way you want.

Install Debian/Ubuntu package

sudo apt install -y easygen

Download/install binaries

  • The latest binary executables are available as the result of the Continuous-Integration (CI) process.
  • I.e., they are built automatically right from the source code at every git release by GitHub Actions.
  • There are two ways to get/install such binary executables
    • Using the binary executables directly, or
    • Using packages for your distro

The binary executables

  • The latest binary executables are directly available under
  • Pick & choose the one that suits your OS and its architecture. E.g., for Linux, it would be the easygen_verxx_linux_amd64.tar.gz file.
  • Available OS for binary executables are
    • Linux
    • Mac OS (darwin)
    • Windows
  • If your OS and its architecture is not available in the download list, please let me know and I'll add it.
  • The manual installation is just to unpack it and move/copy the binary executable to somewhere in PATH. For example,
tar -xvf easygen_*_linux_amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv -v easygen_*_linux_amd64/easygen /usr/local/bin/
rmdir -v easygen_*_linux_amd64

Distro package

The repo setup instruction url has been given above. For example, for Debian --

Debian package

curl -1sLf \
  '' \
  | sudo -E bash

# That's it. You then can do your normal operations, like

sudo apt update
apt-cache policy easygen

sudo apt install -y easygen

Install Source

To install the source code instead:

go install


Tong SUN
suntong from

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the one-stop wire-framing solution for Go cli based projects, from init to deploy.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


💻 🤔 🎨 🔣 ⚠️ 🐛 📖 📝 💡 🔧 📦 👀 💬 🚧 🚇

Gerrit Renker

💻 🤔 🐛 📓 📢 🖋️ 📝

Benjamin Ruston

💻 🐛 📓



Anthony Fok

🐛 👀 🚧 📓

Deleted user

🐛 🤔 📓

Zbigniew Romanowski

🐛 🤔 📓

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!