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Devel repo

Philip Hands requested to merge philh/net-retriever:devel-repo into master

This is a modified version of Ian Campbell's patch found in #736373

It allows the possibility of downloading an additional Packages file, which can be specified by preseeding apt-setup/_DEVEL_0/repository

If one has not set apt-setup/_DEVEL_0/repository then $dev_url remains unset, which results in this for loop:

    for dev_prefix in "" ${dev_url:+@@devel@@} ; do

doing a single pass through, with $dev_prefix == "", which should result in it doing exactly as would have without this change.

However, if the _DEVEL_0 repository is set, it downloads the Packages from there, checks that it's signed with its key (if specified) and then prefixes all the Filename: settings in that Packages file with @@devel@@. This is then used to flag the fact that downloads need to come from the _DEVEL_0 repo, not the normally configured one.

This works in conjunction with anna!4 (merged) in order to allow one to have an extra repo from which to grab alternate udeb versions.

Edited by Philip Hands

Merge request reports
