The source project of this merge request has been removed.
Lintian recommend secure transport
This resolves the following ( exists):
I: mariadb-10.3 source: debian-watch-uses-insecure-uri[\d\.]*(?:-beta|-rc)?)/source/mariadb-([\d\.]*(?:-beta|-rc)?).tar.gz
N: The watch file uses an unencrypted transport protocol for the URI such
N: as http:// or ftp://. It is recommended to use a secure transport such
N: as HTTPS for anonymous read-only access.
N: Upstream may already provide a HTTPS variant of the URI. If not, please
N: contact them and ask them to consider adding one.
N: Severity: wishlist, Certainty: certain
N: Check: watch-file, Type: source
Edited by Faustin Lammler