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Commit 6f55ac62 authored by Otto Kekäläinen's avatar Otto Kekäläinen
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Salsa-CI: Remove mysql-5.7 upgrade in Sid test as package was removed

MySQL 5.7 has been removed from Debian Sid, so this test cannot work
anymore. There is still the Ubuntu Bionic MySQL 5.7 ugprade test, which
was the last Ubuntu LTS version to include MySQL 5.7.
parent ffec5040
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Pipeline #232832 failed with stages
in 1 day, 10 hours, 12 minutes, and 59 seconds
......@@ -516,31 +516,6 @@ mysql-8.0 Sid to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
# Installation often fails (not a MariaDB reason), so do not require this test to pass
allow_failure: true
mysql-5.7 Sid to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
stage: upgrade in Sid
- job: build
artifacts: true
image: debian:sid
when: always
name: "$CI_BUILD_NAME"
- ${WORKING_DIR}/debug
- *test-prepare-container
- apt-get install -y mysql-server-5.7 'libmysqlc*'
- *test-verify-initial
- *test-install
- service mysql status
- sleep 5 # Give the mysql_upgrade a bit of time to complete before querying the server
- *test-verify-final
- $CI_COMMIT_TAG != null && $SALSA_CI_ENABLE_PIPELINE_ON_TAGS !~ /^(1|yes|true)$/
# Upgrading from MySQL 8.0 with datadir in place is not possible. Users need to do a data dump.
# The Debian maintainer scripts detect this situation and simply moves old datadir aside and start fresh.
mysql-8.0 Focal to mariadb-10.5 upgrade:
0% Loading or .
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