Enable stream IO when building factory
Currently, factory is built using the default options. In particular, without stream IO. It would be nice to enable this feature for debugging purposes. In particular, code such as the following could be used to display various factory objects:
std::cout << t << std::endl;
For example, Macaulay2, one of factory's reverse-dependencies, has a variety of debugging display routines which require this feature.
From https://github.com/Macaulay2/M2/blob/master/M2/Macaulay2/e/x-factor.cpp:
// debugging display routines to be called from gdb
// needs factory to be configured without option --disable-streamio
void showvar(Variable &t) { std::cout << t << std::endl; }
void showcf(CanonicalForm &t) { std::cout << t << std::endl; }
void showcfl(CFList &t) { std::cout << t << std::endl; }
void showcffl(CFFList &t) { std::cout << t << std::endl; }
void showmpint(gmp_ZZ p)
mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, p);
std::cout << std::endl;
void showmpz(mpz_srcptr p)
mpz_out_str(stdout, 10, p);
std::cout << std::endl;