debian/0.0.14-14b7a3c73 · ·
fastx-toolkit (0.0.14-1) unstable; urgency=low 53f820d New upstream release (Closes: 715887, 715888) 6a99f79 Default source package branch is now ‘debian/unstable’. 5028533 Conforms with the Policy version 3.9.5. 450b05d debian/watch: follow GitHub. d2de0ee Build-depend on libtool. ee94435 debian/rules: adapt for building from Git repository. 6d9b972 Document backward-incompatible changes in debian/NEWS. d0c8ed5 Mangle upstream version number for release candidates. 58a04c9 Document the repository structure in ‘debian/gbp.conf’. 4786502 Build-depend on automake. -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org> Sun, 12 Jan 2014 15:52:14 +0900
0.0.14-rc26aa630f5 · ·
0.0.14-rc10c78199b · ·
debian/ · ·
Uploaded fastx-toolkit_0.0.13.1-1_amd64.changes to unstable. Lintian strangely failed to check the source package, but sbuild and dpkg-dev did not have any difficulty with it.