debian/1.8-11c37793d · ·
debian/1.7-2cffdb688 · ·
debian/1.7-10ac413af · ·
debian/1.6-3f722e30b · ·
debian/1.6-1938dd3f4 · ·
debian/1.5-17f525ad6 · ·
1.4.18f8600a1 · ·
Release 1.4.1 (8th May 2017) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added options to fastq to create fastq files from BC (or other) tags. * Samtools view has gained a -G <flags> option to exclude on all bits set. For example to discard reads where neither end has been mapped use "-G 12". * Samtools cat has a -b <fofn> option to ease concatenation of many files. * Added misc/samtools_tab_completion for bash auto-completion of samtools sub-commands. (#560) * Samtools tview now has J and K keys for verticale movement by 20 lines. (#257) * Various compilation / portability improvements. * Fixed issue with more than 65536 CIGAR operations and SAM/CRAM files. (#667)
1.40a859b10 · ·
Release 1.4 (13 March 2017) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Noteworthy changes in samtools: * Fixed Issue #345 - out-by-one error in insert-size in samtools stats * bam_split now add a @PG header to the bam file * Added mate cigar tag support to fixmate * Multi-threading is now supported for decoding BAM and CRAM (as well as the previously supported encoding). Most commands that read BAM or CRAM have gained an -@ or --threads arguments, providing a significant speed bonus. For commands that both read and write files the threads are shared between decoding and encoding tasks. * Added -a option to samtools mpileup to show all locations, including sites with zero depth; repeating the option as -aa or -a -a additionally shows reference sequences without any reads mapped to them (#496). * The mpileup text output no longer contains empty columns at zero coverage positions. Previously it would output "...0\t\t..." in some circumstances (zero coverage due to being below a minumum base quality); this has been fixed to output as "...0\t*\t*..." with placeholder '*' characters as in other zero coverage circumstances (see PR #537). * To stop it from creating too many temporary files, samtools sort will now not run unless its per-thread memory limit (-m) is set to at least 1 megabyte (#547). * The misc/plot-bamstats script now has a -l / --log-y option to change various graphs to display their Y axis log-scaled. Currently this affects the Insert Size graph (PR #589; thanks to Anton Kratz). * Fixmate will now also add and update MC (mate CIGAR) tags.
debian/1.3.1-2_bpo8+1a8be37d2 · ·
samtools (1.3.1-2~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium * Team upload. * Rebuild for jessie-backports. -- Afif Elghraoui <afif@debian.org> Fri, 05 Aug 2016 21:03:54 -0700
debian/1.3.1-2a98b89bb · ·
samtools (1.3.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium 952da10 Build-depends on htslib 1.3.1. (Closes: #822701) -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org> Sun, 08 May 2016 21:11:12 +0900
debian/1.3.1-160c45b7e · ·
samtools (1.3.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium 0c961b2 Merge tag '1.3.1' into debian/unstable 3666b08 Conforms with Policy version 3.9.8. -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org> Tue, 26 Apr 2016 21:12:05 +0900