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  • jscott/monkeysphere
  • jvalleroy/monkeysphere
  • pkg-privacy-team/monkeysphere
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......@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ Monkeysphere depends on:
* Perl's Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA module
* lockfile-progs or procmail's lockfile
* Bash
* OpenSSH's ssh-keygen utility (ideally >= 6.0)
* OpenSSH's ssh-keygen utility (>= 6.0)
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
# This script uses bashisms
# It currently needs OpenSSL binaries to work properly
# It currently needs OpenSSL binaries, gpg, and gpgsm to work properly
# It assumes that the monkeysphere-host keyring is in
# /var/lib/monkeysphere/host (which it is on debian)
......@@ -67,23 +67,40 @@ EOF
gencertreq() {
local keyid="$1"
timestamp=$(gpg --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys "0x$keyid!" | grep ^pub: | cut -f6 -d:)
# It would be great to be able to do all of this with gpgsm
# directly. See for why we need to
# use OpenSSL for now.
local timestamp=$(gpg --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys "0x$keyid!" | awk -F: '/^pub:/{ print $6 }')
local keygrip=$(gpg --fixed-list-mode --with-keygrip --with-colons --list-keys "0x$keyid!" | awk -F: '/^grp:/{ print $10 }')
local primary
# find all the $proto-using User IDs:
uids=$(gpg --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys "0x$keyid!" | \
local uids=$(gpg --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-keys \&"$keygrip" | \
grep '^uid:' | cut -f10 -d: | \
grep '^'"${proto}"'\\x3a//' | \
sed -r -e 's!^'"${proto}"'\\x3a//!!' -e 's!:[0-9]+$!!')
primary=$(printf "%s" "$uids" | head -n1)
# does gpgsm know about this key?
if ! gpgsm --with-colons --with-keygrip --list-keys \&"$keygrip" | grep -q ^grp: ; then
# ensure that gpgsm has a dummy self-signed cert; otherwise, it
# cannot emit the secret key in the necessary form.
local batchcmd="Key-Type: RSA
Key-Grip: $keygrip
Name-DN: CN=$primary (monkeysphere dummy self-signed)
Serial: $keygrip
local dummycert="$(gpgsm --armor --batch --generate-key <<<"$batchcmd")"
gpgsm --import <<<"$dummycert"
printf "Certificate Request for TLS WWW server %s\n[OpenPGP key %s]\n" "$primary" "$keyid"
openssl req -text -new \
-config <(get_openssl_config "$timestamp" "$uids") \
-key <(gpg --export-secret-key "$keyid" | openpgp2ssh "$keyid") \
-key <(gpgsm --armor --export-secret-key-raw \&"$keygrip") \
-subj "/CN=${primary}/"
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ be omitted, and \fBmonkeysphere\-host\fP will operate on it.
Import an SSH host secret key from file FILE. If FILE is
`\-', then the key will be imported from stdin, and must be an
RSA key in PEM\-encoded format.
RSA key.
SCHEME://HOSTNAME[:PORT] is used to specify
the scheme (e.g. ssh or https), fully\-qualified hostname (and port)
used in the user ID of the new OpenPGP key (e.g. ssh:// or
......@@ -246,8 +246,7 @@ case $COMMAND in
source "${MSHAREDIR}/import_subkey"
import_subkey "$@"
failure "import-subkey is not implemented yet. (see"
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
# Example usage:
# gpg --export-secret-subkeys --export-options export-reset-subkey-passwd $KEYID | \
# openpgp2ssh $KEYID | ssh-add /dev/stdin
# openpgp2ssh $KEYID | ssh-add -
# Authors:
# -*-shell-script-*-
# This should be sourced by bash (though we welcome changes to make it POSIX sh compliant)
# Monkeysphere import-subkey subcommand
# The monkeysphere scripts are written by:
# Jameson Rollins <>
# Jamie McClelland <>
# Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
# They are Copyright 2008-2009, and are all released under the GPL,
# version 3 or later.
# import an existing ssh key as a gpg subkey
## 2009-02-20 00:49:11-0500: This is not implemented yet, because we
## don't currently have a good way to manipulate the user's OpenPGP
## secret key such that we could make a proper subkey binding
## signature.
import_subkey() {
local sshKeyFile
local keyID
local gpgSecOut
local fifoDir
# FIXME: implement!
failure "import-subkey is not implemented yet. We welcome patches. Sorry!"
# check that key file specified
if [ -z "$sshKeyFile" ] ; then
failure "Must specify ssh key file to import, or specify '-' for stdin."
# check that the keyID is unique
keyID=$(check_gpg_sec_key_id "$@")
# check that an authentication subkey does not already exist
check_gpg_authentication_subkey "$keyID"
# setup the temp fifo dir for retrieving the key password
log debug "creating password fifo..."
trap "rm -rf $fifoDir" EXIT
(umask 077 && mkfifo "$fifoDir/pass")
# import ssh key to as authentication subkey
if [ "$sshKeyFile" = '-' ] ; then
log verbose "importing ssh key from stdin..."
PEM2OPENPGP_USAGE_FLAGS=authenticate pem2openpgp "$userID" \
| gpg_user --batch --passphrase-fd 3 3< "$fifoDir/pass" --expert --command-fd 0 --import &
log verbose "importing ssh key from file '$sshKeyFile'..."
PEM2OPENPGP_USAGE_FLAGS=authenticate pem2openpgp "$userID" <"$sshKeyFile" \
| gpg_user --batch --passphrase-fd 3 3< "$fifoDir/pass" --expert --command-fd 0 --import &
# get the password if needed
passphrase_prompt "Please enter your passphrase for $keyID: " "$fifoDir/pass"
trap - EXIT
rm -rf "$fifoDir"
log verbose "done."
......@@ -70,11 +70,9 @@ EOF
local CORE_UID=$(printf "Monkeysphere authentication trust core UID (random string: %s)" $(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=21 count=1 2>/dev/null | perl -MMIME::Base64 -ne 'print encode_base64($_)'))
printf "generating monkeysphere authentication trust core key:\nsize: %d bits\nuid: '%s'\n" "$CORE_KEYLENGTH" "$CORE_UID" | log debug
| gpg_core --import \
|| failure "Could not import new key for Monkeysphere authentication trust core"
printf "generating monkeysphere authentication trust core RSA key:\nsize: %d bits\nuid: '%s'\n" "$CORE_KEYLENGTH" "$CORE_UID" | log debug
gpg_core --pinentry-mode=loopback --passphrase '' --quick-generate-key "$CORE_UID" "rsa$CORE_KEYLENGTH" cert \
|| failure "Could not import new key for Monkeysphere authentication trust core"
# get fingerprint of core key. should definitely not be empty at this point
......@@ -69,32 +69,34 @@ key_type_from_file() {
if [ "$keyFile" = '-' ] ; then
# import PEM-encoded RSA stdin to an OpenPGP private key
log verbose "importing PEM-encoded RSA key from stdin..."
PEM2OPENPGP_USAGE_FLAGS=authenticate pem2openpgp "$serviceName" \
| gpg_host --import
# stdin we just assume is RSA, since we don't get a chance to scan it twice:
log verbose "importing RSA key from stdin..."
# import some sort of file that OpenSSH's keygen can handle
if keyType=$(key_type_from_file "$keyFile"); then
# we lock to avoid concurrent interactions with gpg-agent and
# the sshcontrol file would be dubious
lock create "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/importlock"
if test -e "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol" && grep -q '^[0-9A-F]' "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol"; then
backupSshControl=$(mktemp "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol.XXXXXXXX")
log error "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol already contained a key, backing up to $backupSshControl"
mv -f "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol" "$backupSshControl"
log verbose "importing $keyType key from file '$keyFile'..."
if ! { test -e "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/gpg-agent.conf" && grep -Fxq batch "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/gpg-agent.conf" ; }; then
echo batch >> "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/gpg-agent.conf"
GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpgconf --reload gpg-agent
GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpgconf --launch gpg-agent
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) ssh-add "$keyFile"
if keyGrip=$(awk '/^[0-9A-F]/{print $1}' < "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol") &&
test -n "$keyGrip" && [ $(wc -l <<<"$keyGrip") -eq 1 ] ; then
gpg_host --batch --full-generate-key <<EOF
# import some sort of file that OpenSSH's ssh-keygen can handle
# if it turns out that ssh-keygen can't handle it, this should fail, and we'll abort.
keyType=$(key_type_from_file "$keyFile")
# we lock to avoid concurrent interactions with gpg-agent and
# the sshcontrol file would be dubious
lock create "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/importlock"
if test -e "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol" && grep -q '^[0-9A-F]' "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol"; then
backupSshControl=$(mktemp "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol.XXXXXXXX")
log error "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol already contained a key, backing up to $backupSshControl"
mv -f "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol" "$backupSshControl"
log verbose "importing $keyType key from file '$keyFile'..."
if ! { test -e "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/gpg-agent.conf" && grep -Fxq batch "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/gpg-agent.conf" ; }; then
echo batch >> "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/gpg-agent.conf"
GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpgconf --reload gpg-agent
GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpgconf --launch gpg-agent
SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(GNUPGHOME="$GNUPGHOME_HOST" gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) ssh-add "$keyFile"
if keyGrip=$(awk '/^[0-9A-F]/{print $1}' < "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol") &&
test -n "$keyGrip" && [ $(wc -l <<<"$keyGrip") -eq 1 ] ; then
gpg_host --batch --full-generate-key <<EOF
Key-Type: $keyType
Key-Grip: $keyGrip
Key-Usage: auth
......@@ -102,20 +104,13 @@ Name-Real: $serviceName
rm -f "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol"
lock remove "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/importlock"
failure "did not find a single keygrip in $GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol during import"
rm -f "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol"
lock remove "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/importlock"
log error "falling back to pem2openpgp (which will probably still fail)..."
PEM2OPENPGP_USAGE_FLAGS=authenticate pem2openpgp "$serviceName" \
<"$keyFile" \
| gpg_host --import
rm -f "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol"
lock remove "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/importlock"
failure "did not find a single keygrip in $GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol during import"
rm -f "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/sshcontrol"
lock remove "$GNUPGHOME_HOST/importlock"
# export to OpenPGP public key to file