debian/1.8-1cd7753b3 · ·
r-cran-plyr (1.8-1) unstable; urgency=low * Team upload. 818872b Imported Upstream version 1.8 04532b4 Mark the use of git-buildpackage by adding its configuration file. dbbc70d No new copyright nor license notice in the new upstream version. 0916bbc Normalised Debian copyright file with 'cme fix dpkg-copyright'. 9bc467f Normalised debian/control with 'cme fix dpkg-control'. c365a85 Using Debhelper 9. 11a9633 Acquire R:Depends directly from /usr/share/R/debian/r-cran.mk. 4bdde28 Conforms with Debian policy 3.9.4. 82722f8 Normalised VCS fields following Lintian's standard. -- Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org> Thu, 04 Apr 2013 09:26:47 +0900