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Commit 91d70295 authored by Chris Lamb's avatar Chris Lamb 👀
Browse files

Call R's "deparse" function to ensure that we do not error out and revert to a...

Call R's "deparse" function to ensure that we do not error out and revert to a binary diff when processing .rdb files with internal "vector" types as they do not automatically coerce to strings.
parent f23f2b44
No related merge requests found
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ for (x in ls(all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)) {
cat("\n{\n", sep = "");
for (y in ls(obj, all.names = TRUE, sorted = TRUE)) {
obj2 = get(y, envir = obj);
cat(sprintf(" \"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", y, obj2), sep = "");
cat(sprintf(" \"%s\" = \"%s\"\n", y, deparse(obj2)), sep = "");
} else {
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