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Fix markup that isn't valid HTML 4

Daniele Forsi requested to merge dforsi-guest/packages:fix/validate-html into master

This MR removes stuff that isn't allowed in HTML 4. The border around the image is removed by the existing CSS.

Fixes these errors and warning shown by the W3 validator (line numbers may depend on the specific page that I submitted):

Error Line 25, Column 86: there is no attribute "WITH"
….org/"><img src="/Pics/openlogo-50.png" alt="Debian" with="50" height="61"></a>

Error Line 100, Column 191: there is no attribute "BORDER"
…bnail-with-version//mygui-doc/3.4.2+dfsg-1.1" alt="Screenshot" border="0"/></a>

Warning Line 100, Column 194: NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES
…bnail-with-version//mygui-doc/3.4.2+dfsg-1.1" alt="Screenshot" border="0"/></a>

Merge request reports
