sso, users: Redirect to home page after logout
Closes: #2178 (closed).
Don't bother with the redirection to the next page using the ?next= URL parameter. Always redirect to the home (index) page.
Show a message that logout was successful.
Ensure that SSO cookie is removed.
Logout and notice that redirection has been performed to the home page.
"Logged out successfully." message is shown.
When logged as a user with a language set, logging out preserves the language of the user who was just logged out.
Login. Click logout while having browser developer tool open. Notice that Logout request has SSO cookie. The response does not have the cookie set. The next request is to the home page and it does not have SSO cookie in the request.
Login to tt-rss app that needs SSO to work. Logout from FreedomBox interface using another page. Refresh the tt-rss page and notice that user was logged out and redirect to FreedomBox login page.
Logout. Again, manually visit the URL The page is still required to home page and success is still shown even though the user is already logged out.
Repeat the logout test as non-admin user.
Signed-off-by: Sunil Mohan Adapa